I have read on other forums advice that you can use chewing gum on sore areas if you have no wax available, and this was exactly the predicament I found myself in one morning.
I was at my son’s school for an end of year performance and the rear brackets had been rubbing on my cheek making it uncomfortable to talk (probably due to the cheek workout I experienced from singing in the car as I drove there!) so I decided to try the gum. I chewed it to soften it then positioned it with my tongue. So far so good…the only problem was that I used the whole piece of gum and it felt quite large. But a few conversations later all was good and I was comfortable.
I thought the big white blob might be visible so I asked my son, “Can you see the gum?” His laughter said it all! Embarrassed I thought it best if I removed the gum but…yep you guessed it! Stuck in the wires! So with no way to remove it other than the conventional stick your fingers in your mouth method, not a good look and certainly not friendly to lipstick enhanced lips, I decided to simply avoid talking to people with my left side visible to them…quite easy in theory since we were watching the boys anyway.
Well performance over, I made a hasty exit and spent a few minutes in the car trying to pull the gum off my braces. No damage, but certainly not an experience I will be repeating!
Let this be a lesson to you…no gum!