I have now had my upper braces for 6 weeks and it is time for a wire change, little did I know what other delights were in store! It was decided that a few of my teeth needed to have ‘buttons’ applied to them. Small metal blobs that really are just like buttons, and they are joined together with an elastic ‘chain’. The idea being that you use the teeth pulling against each other to hasten the straightening process.
So the cleaning, acid rub and glue process is undertaken and the tiny little buttons are placed on 4 of my molar teeth.
Hmmm…these things feel a little funny, and they are on the inside of my teeth, so the edges of my tongue keep hitting them but not too bad. The wire is changed for one that is a bit stronger and I can immediately feel the extra pressure.
The drive home is a funny one because I could not help fiddling with the buttons and elastic with my tongue and the little papillae on the tip of my tongue became aggravated and raised so they kept catching in the elastic and pinching! Also I found that my speech was a bit slurry because I couldn’t quite fit my tongue to the roof of my mouth properly.
Day 3 kicks in
Well my friends noticed that I had developed a minor speech impediment, and my poor poor tongue was becoming quite sore and raw where it rubbed against the buttons – and let me tell you you can’t stick wax (or gum!) on a sore tongue. I have nothing but to hope that it will toughen up…although I seriously doubt it! (edit…it did…see Dec 22)
Eating is a little more challenging too! Where before I could use the inside edges of my teeth more, I could feel the pressure on the buttons and elastics and worried that I would break something, and also my teeth are a bit more sore than when I first had the braces fitted – I am sure due to the extra pressure from the buttons, so softer foods are my current choice!
Brushing is really difficult when they are like this because it hurts to have the extra pressure on my teeth so I make sure to use the mouthwash really well also just to be sure they are as clean as possible.
I have learned to be a bit more gentle when brushing. Although my new toothbrush looks like a small child has chewed it with bristles all splayed out. It is time for a change again and a vow to be a bit more gentle with the next one.