Fitting braces does not hurt, however your teeth may be a little tender for a day or two after braces are fitted or adjusted. This is perfectly normal and can be easily controlled with a Panadol or Nurofen.
It’s no secret that orthodontic treatment can be a bit uncomfortable at times. Friends, facebook, twitter…practically everybody has something to say about getting their braces fitted and later adjusted. But remember, everybody has a different perspective, some people are very sensitive and everybody’s treatment plan is just that little bit different so keep an open mind!
Recently we asked some of our patients about their braces, some people describe them as “fine, got used to them really quickly”, “they’re annoying, but fine”, “sorta hurt”, “pressure”, “weird”. So…we know it is going to…well…be a bit strange, so just do your best to eat softer foods for a while, use the wax to protect your cheeks and lips while they toughen up, and use your usual pain relievers if you need to.
Once you have braces you will suddenly notice all the people you pass in daily life who have them too…it’s kind of like a club. The most important thing to remember is that it is a small amount of time to have braces for a beautiful smile for life!