Introducing Magic Wax – turns ouch into aaaaahhhh!
Use Magic Wax to reduce the irritation of sharp parts of braces or broken wires.
It can even hold loose bits together until help arrives.
- Pinch off a piece of wax about the size of a pea and soften it by rolling between your fingers to warm it up ~ this will help it stick better. Just before you’re ready to apply, grab a tissue and dry the offending part ~ this will also help the wax stick better!
- Flatten the little pea-waxy-ball just a bit, put your fingers in your mouth and push the wax onto the offending part of your appliance causing the pain….take that!!!
- Squeeze the wax above and below the braces so it does its job properly and stays put.
Replace the wax as often as you need to, and always keep some spare wax just in case.
Remember to remove the wax when brushing, and while you can eat with it (and it is edible), it is better to remove and reapply for meals to avoid trapping food and debris under the wax.
Don’t be afraid to use the wax liberally, especially at bedtime. Take preventive action until your tissues toughen up a little!
If you are using wax regularly and often, please let us know so that we can attend to the problem at your next visit.
For a quick refresher watch as Emily explains how to apply wax.