Friends, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat…practically everybody complains about getting their braces fitted and later adjusted. But remember, everybody has a different pain threshold, and everybody’s treatment plan is just that little bit different so keep an open mind!
Here are just a handful of comments we’ve collected on our patient surveys about getting braces fitted:
- My lip got heaps of cuts, but I used wax, which helped.
- Couldn’t eat at first
- My teeth hurt for the first couple of days
- It was fine, didn’t hurt and looked OK (got a few ulcers but no great drama)
- Sorta hurt a bit
- Bit uncomfortable at first
- Had a sore mouth for a day
- The pressure on my teeth and the taste of the glue was strange
- It felt weird, needed to get used to them
See what we mean? Some people describe it as sorta hurt, pressure, weird, bit of pain and others can’t eat for a week!
Everybody who has had braces has an opinion…we know it is going to be uncomfortable, and it certainly feels strange at first.
But over the entire straight teeth journey, when they are first fitted is usually as weird as it will get. Do your best to provide your child with softer foods to eat for a while if they feel they need it.
Your auxiliary will give you a demonstration on how to apply the orthodontic wax to the brackets that cause irritation, but it is a little bit of trial and error. Parents – do encourage your child to practice and persevere, and if they happen to swallow some of the wax along the way don’t panic. Naturally it is perfectly safe – not that we recommend it as a meal replacement, but you will suffer no ill effects.
The comfort from well-applied wax at the start of treatment, while your mouth is getting used to the braces, is bliss, and it gives the gums time to toughen up. Some mild pain relief such as Paracetamol or Asprin will also help.