Please make sure to keep wearing your current aligners as instructed to continue progressing your treatment. Make sure to use your chewies and bite and hold to ensure the best fit in areas where you may see visible space between your tooth and the aligner. To be sure, we recommend you bite into your chewie for 10 seconds and work it around your teeth lightly biting for a 10-minute session.
If you no longer have sufficient aligners to continue to your next week, it is perfectly fine to reduce your last aligner wear to a retainer phase of 10-12 hours per day. This will to ensure that your teeth say in position and to make your aligner last longer. At no point should you stop wearing your aligners completely as this will compromise and most likely prolong your treatment time.
If you have several aligners remaining, please extend the wear on each one (minimum of 2 weeks per aligner) to tide you over until we can see you again.