It is more important than ever to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing, flossing and rinsing your mouth with water. It is even more critical to avoid problematic food and drinks while in isolation.
In addition, it is helpful to have the following tools and supplies on hand to support your orthodontic needs as required:
- Orthodontic wax and non-prescription pain relievers: To ease discomfort and irritation
- Floss, picksters or interdental brushes: To support your oral health
- Clean tweezers and cotton buds: In case you need to push wires into place
- Small side cutting nail clippers (see below): To cut a poking archwire which can’t be pushed back into place. These are available at most pharmacies, Priceline or Chemist Warehouse stores.
- Salt warm water mouthwash: To disinfect ulcers and ease discomfort