As Henry progresses through his braces journey, I find it quite an unremarkable experience!
We attend our wire change appointments and have minor adjustments done as required, he is diligent with his brushing (which for a 16-year-old boy is probably quite remarkable!), he wears his elastics as requested and strangely he does not complain…too much! I would regularly ask him about various tooth movements, or how things felt – complete with the knowledge myself of how each stage progressed – but typical of his age he was not particularly verbose in his replies. Similar thing when I asked his friends who visited with braces – shoulder shrugs and comments that it was no big deal (particularly irksome when I had just had a wire change and was feeling it for a day or two!).
So there you have it…Henry nears the end of his braces journey and it truly has been unremarkable. His teeth are looking delightfully balanced and spaced and other than for about a day or two after his adjustments (which are only every 6-8 weeks anyway) he rarely has anything to comment on.
I’m sure that not all teenagers are like this, but I was quite surprised to find that mine was, and if I hadn’t been through the experience myself I might have been tricked into thinking that there was nothing going on in there at all!