It can sometimes take a while to get used to eating with your braces, one of the questions we get asked most during a consultation is ‘what can I eat with braces’ and especially when you first get them fitted your teeth can be a little bit sensitive. We suggest softer foods that don’t require […]
Emergency…my wire is poking!
And other orthodontic concerns. Occasionally you may need to visit us for an ’emergency’ before your next scheduled appointment. There are many small parts working together in your orthodontic appliances and sometimes things can spring loose. There are times when we might need to see you fairly quickly, and others when we can wait for […]
Cavities and Orthodontics
Hmmmm….so you have a mouth full of strange wires and contraptions, you see your orthodontist for an examination and adjustment every 6-8 weeks and your hygienist has a poke around too….so why do you need to visit the dentist? When we work on your braces, we are not looking specifically for any cavities and anything […]
Benefits of Straight Teeth
Straightening your teeth is not just about a great smile. While correcting crooked or crowded teeth can improve your appearance by bringing teeth, lips and face into proportion, it can also contribute to your overall dental health and wellbeing. Easier Brushing Having straight teeth will help you maintain better oral hygiene and reduce your long-term […]
Why you should quit smoking when you get your braces
No this is not a ‘you’re naughty ruining your lungs’ smoking rant (although you do know you are don’t you?). But besides the link between tobacco and heart disease, stroke, emphysema, and cancer (especially lung and throat cancers), smoking leads to the following oral health consequences: Bad breath – when you have braces, there are just more areas for […]